These flexo-extension maneuvers are performed along a longitudinal sonographic axis this dynamic study shows the normal and gentle movement of the tendons and can be helpful in the detection of tendon entrapments or for the identification of the median nerve inside the carpal tunnel that does not show any movement. Maneuvers of gentle flexion and/or extension of the digits can help identify the different tendons.

For the examination of the volar aspect of the wrist, the hand is positioned palm up with mild extension and radial or ulnar deviation for examination of the dorsal aspect of the wrist, the hands are moved into a palm down position. In addition, oblique approaches or a heel-toe maneuver (to increase the pressure on one side of the probe) can be helpful to remove anisotropy artifacts. The screening on ultrasound examination includes transverse and longitudinal views of the local structures at rest or after dynamic testing positions. Alternatively, the patient may be seated at an examination table with both hands resting on the table. Space-occupying lesions-dorsal or ventral ganglia, neurogenic tumors, lipomatous tumors, presence of accessory musclesįor an ultrasound of the wrist, the patient rests the wrist in his or her lap and is seated in front of the examiner. Traumatic lesions of extensor and flexor tendons, nerves, vessels, and occult fractures of the carpal bonesĮntrapment neuropathies-tunnel syndromes (carpal and Guyon) Inflammatory and degenerative diseases-De Quervain disease, distal intersection syndrome, tenosynovitis, Inflammatory arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis, crystal-related arthritis) Hence, ultrasound is the ideal imaging modality.

Pathology of the wrist includes both injuries and systemic diseases involving the wrist’s complex anatomy of bones, a network of soft tissues, and thin skin layers. Thus, ultrasound can be used for diagnostic purposes, for monitoring the results of treatments, or to guide percutaneous procedures. When properly performed, ultrasound in addition to anatomic details provides functional data such as blood flow. For the wrist, which is easily accessible, the studies can be performed at rest or during dynamic testing as they are performed rapidly, without exposing the patient or the imager to ionizing radiation. The newest ultrasound systems capture high-definition images of tissues and lesions in real time.